Bear Lake County Library Board of Trustees Bylaws
Powers and Duties of the Board of Trustees (Idaho Code 33-2720)
- It is the duty of each trustee to attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees of the Bear Lake County Library District shall have powers and duties consistent with the laws of the state of Idaho as outlined in 33-2720 of the Idaho Code. No single board member can act on behalf of the board without approval by the majority.
- Officers of the board shall be elected at the annual meeting of the board. The board shall elect a Chair and may elect a Vice-Chair. The board shall appoint a Treasurer and Clerk. The term of office for each shall be one year. The Chair and Vice-Chair must be members of the Board, having served at least one year as a member of the Board. This requirement may be waived in the event no current members have served one year or more.
- The Chair shall preside over all board meetings, appoint all committees with approval from the Board, and generally perform the duties of a presiding officer. In the absence of the chair, the Vice-Chair shall serve as temporary Chair.
- The Treasurer. (33-2722) The Board of Trustees of Bear Lake County Library shall appoint a qualified person, who may or may not be a member of the board of trustees, to act as Treasure of the library district. Such a person shall, on taking office, give nod to the library district, with sureties approved by the Board of Trustees, in the amount of at least five thousand dollars, which bond shall be paid for by the district. The Treasurer’s duties shall be as enumerated in Idaho Code Section 33-2722.
- The Clerk. (33-2722). The Board of Trustees of the Bear Lake County Library District shall appoint a qualified person, who may or may not be a member of the Board of Trustees, to act as Clerk of the library board. The Clerk shall prepare and distribute legal notices and shall have such other duties as the board may prescribe. The Library Director serves as the Clerk unless otherwise appointed by the board.
- The Library Director. (33-2721) The Board of Trustees of the Bear Lake County Library District shall appoint the library director, who shall serve as administrator of the library district and as the Secretary for the Board without voting rights. The library director’s duties shall be as provided for by Idaho Code Section 33-2721.
Trustee Elections (Idaho Code Section 33-2715)
- Members of the district board of trustees shall be elected for six-year terms each odd numbered year.
- The term of office for an elected trustee shall be six (6) years.
- The election is held in May on such a date as provided for by law.
Vacancies on Board of Trustees (Idaho Code Section 33-2716)
- A vacancy shall be declared by the Board of Trustees when any nominee has been elected but has failed to qualify for office, or within thirty (30) days of when any trustee shall (a) die; (b) resign from office; (c) no longer resides within Bear Lake County; (e) refuse to serve as trustee; (f) without excuse acceptable to the Board of Trustees, fail to attend two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Board; or (g) be recalled and discharged from office in the manner set forth by law.
- The Board of Trustees shall appoint a qualified person to fill any such vacancy in the manner provided for by law. The newly appointed trustee shall serve until the next annual election of trustees. The newly elected trustee at said election will then serve out the remainder of the unexpired term.
- Special Committees for the study and investigation of special problems or issues may be appointed by the Board Chair with the approval of the board, to serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed. Board authorized committees making recommendations to the governing body shall operate in accordance with Idaho Open Meeting Law.
- Standing Committees may also be appointed by the Board Chair, with the approval of the board, to keep the board advised on such matters as building maintenance, finances, personnel, or any other area relating to the library. Board authorized committees making recommendations to the governing body shall operate in accordance with Idaho Open Meeting Law.
- All meetings shall be held under the provisions of chapter 2, title 74, Idaho Code. It is the duty of each trustee to attend all meetings of the Board of Trustees.
- The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Bear Lake County Library District shall be on the date of its regular meeting in June. The purpose of the annual meeting is to administer the oath of office to the newly elected or re-elected trustee or trustees, to elect the officers of the board and to establish a regular meeting dat.
- The Board may review, adopt, amend or repeal policies and procedures at any regular or special meeting.
- The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at least once in every quarter on such uniform day of such uniform month as the trustees shall determine at its annual meeting.
- Special meetings may be held from time to time as the board may determine, but written notice thereof shall be given to the members at least two (2) days prior to the day of the meeting in accordance with Idaho’s Open Meeting Law.
- The Board of Trustees of the Bear Lake County Library District has determined that proxy votes will not be accepted.
- At least one (1) member of the governing body, or the director of the public agency, of the chief administrative officer of the public agency shall be physically present at the location designated in the meeting notice.
- A Quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of three members of the board, but a smaller number may adjourn. (33-2719)
- Participation by a member of the governing body through telecommunications devices shall constitute presence in person by such member at the meeting.
Order of Business
Bear Lake County Library District Board of Trustees Meeting agendas follow 74-204 NOTICE OF MEETINGS which states, “An agenda may be amended, provided that a good faith effort is made to include, in the original agenda notice, all items known to be probable items of discussion. An agenda item that requires a vote shall be identified on the agenda as an “action item” to provide notice that action may be taken on the item. Identifying an item as an action item on the agenda does not require a vote to be taken on that item.” “An agenda may be amended after the start of a meeting upon a motion that states the reason for the amendment and states the good faith reason the agenda item was not included in the original agenda posting. Final action may not be taken on an agenda item added after the start of a meeting unless an emergency is declared necessitating action at the meeting.: The Chair will utilize usual and customary parliamentary rules and procedures to conduct meetings to help maintain order and efficiently govern the proceedings.
- The Order of Business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
- Call to Order- Start the meeting on time. No discussion prior to meeting.
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes (either read or previously received)
- Report of librarian
- Report of committees
- Approval of finances
- Communications
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Future Agenda Items
- Adjournment
- Guest Comments- Such comments will be limited to three minutes in duration. Accepting Guest Comments is at the discretion of the Board Chair when setting the agenda and is not required by law.
- These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the board with a quorum present by a majority vote of the members present provided with written notice of the proposed amendment.
Reviewed and approved by the Bear Lake County Library Board of Trustees October 18th, 2023